Besides Herbs and medicines Ayurveda is pioneer in the field of Surgery and it is evident from detailed description of various surgical and parasurgical procedures found in the famous classical Samhita composed by Acharya Shushurata thousands of years ago.
Sushruta, one of the earliest surgeons of the recorded history (600 B.C.) is believed to be the first individual to describe plastic surgery. Sushruta who lived nearly 150 years before Hippocrates vividly described the basic principles of plastic surgery in his famous ancient treatise 'Sushruta Samhita' in 600 B.C. 'Sushruta Samhita'(Sushruta's compendium) which is one of the oldest treatise dealing with surgery in the world indicates that he was probably the first surgeon to perform plastic surgical operations. This paper presents a historical window into various contributions of Sushruta to plastic surgery and allied fields which were described in 'Sushruta Samhita' more than 2500 years ago.
The Sushruta's contribution in the field of Plastic Surgery can be enumerated as follows
Classification of mutilated ear lobe defects and techniques for repair of torn ear lobes (15 different types of otoplasties)
Sushruta took surgery in medieval India to admirable heights and that era was later regarded as The Golden Age of Surgery in ancient India .Because of his numerous seminal contributions to the science and art of surgery in India, he is regarded as the 'Father of Indian Surgery' and the 'Father of Indian Plastic Surgery'.