This is itching or irritation of the perianal area and it occurs as a symptom of many conditions. The commonest cause is irritation of the skin caused by moisture of faecal soiling. Also some primary skin diseases or perianal conditions can cause irritation.
Anal itch is an intense itching around your anus - the 1 1/2-inch-long canal that's the outlet for your rectum. It can be an embarrassing and uncomfortable situation. The itch, located in your anus or on the skin just around your anus, may be accompanied by a strong urge to scratch.
Also called Pruritus ani, anal itch has many causes. Numerous factors may cause anal itch to be more intense - including moisture, the abrasion caused by your clothing, and the pressure of sitting. Anal itch is usually most noticeable and bothersome at night or right after a bowel movement.
Anal itch is a common problem that most people have experienced. Don't be afraid to talk with your doctor about this condition. With proper treatment and self-care measures, most people can achieve complete relief.
Anal itch is associated with other similar symptoms in and around the anus, including:
The itching and irritation in and around your anus may be a temporary condition, or it may be a more persistent and bothersome problem. For some people, the irritation is so intense that the urge to scratch is irresistible - and a source of embarrassment.
Some of the many possible causes of anal itching are minor. Others involve more serious medical problems. Possible causes include:
Your own actions may be to blame, in part, for anal itch. Whatever the cause of anal itch, your natural reaction is to scratch the area. But scratching compounds the problem by removing superficial layers of skin. In addition, the natural tendency in response to an irritation is to wash the area frequently with soap and a washcloth. However, excessive washing almost always makes the problem worse by further damaging your skin and removing protective oils.
Most itching doesn't require medical care. However, if anal itching is severe or prolonged or if it can't be easily explained, see your doctor. Persistent anal itching may be related to a skin condition or other health problem that requires medical treatment.
Prevention of anal itch mainly involves washing properly and avoiding irritants. If you already have anal itch, try these self-care measures
Cleanse Gently : Wash the area in the morning, at night and immediately after bowel movements. But don't scrub and avoid using soap. Instead, use a wet washcloth, wet bathroom tissue, cotton balls moistened with water, unscented baby wipes or a small squeeze bottle of water to cleanse the area.
Dry Thoroughly : After cleansing, pat the area dry with toilet paper or a towel. Or dry thoroughly with a hair dryer. Once dry, place a dry cotton ball or a piece of cotton gauze against the anus. Replace the cotton as necessary.
Use over-the-counter treatments sparingly : An OTC cream or ointment containing hydrocortisone (Cortaid, Hytone) applied sparingly to the affected area once or twice a day may reduce inflammation and itching. However, don't use these treatments unless directed by your doctor. For some people, the creams or ointments may cause more irritation, and they may mask a persistent problem.
Don't Scratch : Scratching further irritates your skin and leads to persistent inflammation. If you can't tolerate the itch, apply a cold compress to the area or take a lukewarm bath to find some immediate relief. Keep busy to distract yourself from scratching.
Switch Tissue : The skin around your anus may be sensitive to bathroom tissue that contains dyes or perfumes. Use unbleached, unscented tissue. You may want to use tissue that's moistened or made extra soft for comfort.
Wear Cotton Underwear : This helps keep the area dry. Avoid wearing pantyhose, which can trap moisture. Change your underwear daily and whenever it's soiled.
Avoid Irritants : Avoid bubble baths and genital deodorants. Cut back or avoid beverages or foods that you know irritate your anal area. Avoid overuse of laxatives that increase diarrhea and the risk of anal irritation and itch.